Authorized Distributor Of KANGEN Water® Machines

Stefanie Boucher

Change Your Water, Change Your Life!

Change Your Water Newsletter

Learn how Changing Your Water, Changes Your Life. Get the tools you need to proactively balance your bodies acidity and alkalinity levels. Acidosis refers to an excess of acid in the blood that causes the pH to fall below 7.35, and alkalosis refers to an excess of base in the blood that causes the pH to rise above 7.45. is a CASL compliant email sender and respects your consent. If you do not wish to receive messages from, you may unsubscribe at any time.

Acidosis - Alkalosis | Learning How To Balance Self

Acidosis refers to an excess of acid in the blood that causes the pH to fall below 7.35, and alkalosis refers to an excess of base in the blood that causes the pH to rise above 7.45.

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