Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something. The judger is called a critic. To engage in criticism is to criticise. One specific item of criticism is called a criticism or critique. Criticism is an evaluative or corrective exercise that can occur in any area of human life.

source: Wikipedia

Let's start with the Wikipedia definition and work our way around the word. We get to critique criticism today, seems ironic a bit.

We are faced with criticism on a frequent basis, sometimes daily and sometimes we are in critical situations and relationships. These can be work and family related to name a few. How we deal in these situations is what makes all the difference. Criticism can be constructive if we recognize we are at fault in the area criticized, or critiqued. If we are not at fault, we can feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

Self criticism, although difficult, can be a great tool for improvement. Seeing ourselves, truthfully, and using that to make the changes we need.

Those who critique frequently usually have a set of standards which need to be met in order for you to satisfy them. This can be a husband/wife, or boss, supervisor, friend, etc. When we notice these behaviours, it is best to evaluate the situation, taking what you can from it. If the critiquing is way off, you need to confront the critic, and get your side to the forefront. Don't allow someone to give you a set of standards to live by which you disagree with. These standards are usually coming from a subjective set of rules.

Criticism of your merits can be great, but this can also be used as a tool to manipulate, we will cover this more in an upcoming article dedicated to gas lighting. Always evaluate the criticism coming in, being aware of the critics motives can give you a leg up. Possibly saving a job, relationship, or your own Sanity!


Stefanie Boucher

Power Positive Team